Sunday, January 24, 2010

Updates on Chloe

Ok. I know all of yall are praying and wandering whats going on so i'll try to explain it short and sweet. Chloe has a medium size hole in her heart or a VSD(ventricular septal defect) which is ok not causing any issues right now. However, she also has a coarctation of her transverse and descending aorta. which means that there is a narrowing in the main blood vessel that leaves the heart to take blood to the whole body. there is a possibility of surgery. but she is doing ok. they are just monitoring her right now. We know that God is here with us and Chloe and that He is in control. It was a miracle that our pediatrician heard a murmur and decided on some more tests that caught this otherwise there possibly could have been a devestating effect on Chloe. So we are in good hands. Just please keep Chloe in your prayers that she stays ok. That God will heal her through his hands or by using the hands of the physicians. That Chloe will not have pain and will be comfortable and peaceful. Please also pray for Jami and I. That God will give us peace and know that He is in control and with us. That he will never leave us or forsake us. and also pray for Jami's parents Her mom is here with us and it has been very hard on her. Jami's Dad is unable to be here cause of his Job and it has been very hard on him as well. Pray for my parents cause i know they are hurting with us as well. thank you all for your prayers and we will try to keep yall updated on here. If anyone wants more information, please call my family instead of Jami and I as we dont get phone service here in the hospital. you can also e-mail me on here with quetions. and i will try to answer with a group e-mail or on this status page. I am going to try and find a blog type thing so it is easier for us so I will keep yall updated. "In this world you will have trouble but take heart for I have overcome the world" John 16:33............The Anchor Holds...........We love yall.

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