Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chloe is extubated YAY

Chloe is doing very well. She is off the ventilator and breathing well on her own. She is also off of the blood pressure medicine dopamine. YAY again hehehe. I will add more to this after lunch. I accidently deleted my first note i wrote this morning. haha. so will finish later.

ok so now its a day later lol. I was kinda distracted lol. but anyways...

Chloe has been breathing kinda hard and they increased her oxygen from room air to 30% which they say is very normal after this surgery. We are waiting for the cardiac surgeon to come by to release her from the ICU to the floor. but they have already taken out the art line, and chest tubes. So we are very excited and hopeful.

Praise God for all he is doing.

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I had one of the most profound moments as parents, when Hannah was only a few days old she was hospitalized in PICU with RSV.

    We realized we can't breathe for them, we can't really even protect we so arrogantly thought.

    ONLY God can protect them. He entrusts HIS babies to us as a blessing and responsibility.

    It is a lesson we have been reminded of as each of our children grow and go through things, sometimes it's is sickness sometimes it's mistakes...but always always...HE is in control.

    We will continue to pray for all of you. God has a mighty plan and yall are right smack in the middle of it.
