Monday, January 25, 2010

Doing Better

Ok so we have some good news and some not bad but not great news. Had another echo today and the pediatric cardiologists are saying that as of right now Chloe will not need to have surgery for the narrowing of her aorta. So thank God for working that out. They are also saying that the narrowed part is not as bad as they had originally thought. again thank God :). However, they are saying that something is not adding up. Because her oxygen saturation in her lower body is good. and the blood pressures on her legs are good and all of her labs are good. But her pulses in her lower body are not good (but apparently they are not terribly bad becuase her blood pressure and sats are good enough down there so very wierd). So...they were gonna let her leave tuesday afternoon/night but have now decided to keep her till at least thursday and possibly later into the weekend. They are going to do another echo i think wed/thurs. cant remember right now. and they are going to have another cardiologist look at it. so this will be the 3rd cardiologist to have a look at her scans lol. (you can really tell that chloe is my daughter cause when we decide we are gonna have something wrong with us we do it 110% lol). Please continue to pray for her because as you can see, God is working bigtime and is holding her in his arms at all times.
but anyways Jami and I are doing ok. This has been a huge rollercoaster. I still cant believe I am a daddy now(I think most people are sayign that haha). and Jami is still being an amazing mother and an amazing wife. She is a natrual :).
So now for another amazing part of the family of God... so far I know of 7 states praying for chloe(alabama, arkanasas, mississippi, texas, virginia, oklahoma, and florida, and 2 other countries, Canada and England). I am sure there are more cause I have not read all of the messages I have gotten.
For those of yall that have responded on my wall, facebooked me, called me, texted me, or did somethign else that i cant think of a name for lol, and for everyone that is praying for us, Jami and I deeply and gratefully thank yall with all of our hearts. And Chloe thanks yall too.
I will be sharing updates as soon as I get a chance. We just now figured out how to get on the internet at the hotel we are staying at lol.
Also I would like to take a quick second and ask yall to pray for another little girl Emma and her family. She is the baby next to Chloe. I have talked to their family several times and she has the exact opposite problem as Chloe. where her Aorta is too large which is just as bad and they are most likely going to have to have surgery on her in the next few days. This might be one of the reasons God has led us into this situation because I have already had a chance to get to know them just a little bit and was able to pray with them the first time I spoke with them. So pray that God will use us to a shining light and be able to share God's love with them. (dont know if saved or not but will hopefully to share with them anyways).

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