Sunday, January 31, 2010

Please keep those prayers coming

Chloe started having a lot more difficulty breathing tonight before the 800pm visit. She was breating about 100 times a minute and oxygen levels dropped to the 60-low 70 range and lower at times. Sadly she did turn a little blue. well any blue is too much blue for your little baby but anyways. So they reintubated her and put her back on the ventilator. she is on room air. the ventilator ws to just help manage her respiratory rate and cardiac output since there is a lot going on with her heart and lungs right now. so it's hard for her to keep things balanced.
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but anyways she is doing alot better now. pinked all up. sats are better. breathing 30 times a minute(well the vent is breathing completely for her right now). her blood gasses are alot better now as well. We are gonna wait a day or so and monitor her, do another echo tomorrow, and keep check on her oxygen levels, and pH level.

So just keep all of us in your prayers. Praise God for his love and understanding becuase it was HE that gave his son so that all of us can have life and have it more abundantly...even in the bad times we can still be joyful.

The Anchor Holds
John 16:33

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