Friday, January 29, 2010

Chloe's surgery went well

Just talked with Dr. Kirklin, the cardiac surgeon who did Chloe's surgery, Chloe did well and we will be able to go see her any minute now. They had to do a little bit of reconstruction with the subclavian artery(the one that feeds the left arm) and it went well. put the band on her pulmonary artery(artery from heart to the lungs) to decrease the flow to her lungs so she doesn't get fluid on her lungs.

The blood flow had to be interupted to the lower half of the body for about 15-20 minutes so they decreased her temp to the low 90's to decrease damage done to the spinal cord and other organs. This made her heart a little more irritable and the putting the band on her PA sent her into A-Fib and SVT(different heart rhythms) and had to cardiovert her(shock her heart) 3 times. but was just from him aggitating the heart.

She is on dopamine at a low dose(expected), intubated, has an Art line(continuous blood pressure monitor), central line(big IV), 2 chest tubes, and is doing very well. pulses are all great.

God is good...all the time....all the time...God is good.
The Anchor Holds

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