Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pray For Weight Gain (not very often you ask that hahahaha)

Saw Dr. Kirklin this week (the cardiothoracic surgeon). He said Chloe looks great and that we don't even need to make another appointment with him unless we feel like seeing him :) so YAY with that. We hopefully won't have to see him again until they fix the VSD(hole in her heart). and we pray that God will miraculously heal that :)

We see Dr. McMahon this coming up week. So we will see what he has to say. The will most likely do another echocardiogram to see the flow of blood in her aorta, VSD, and the PA band(band around the artery to her lungs to prevent too much blood flow going to the lungs). Will also probably do an EKG, maybe some blood work...we will see.

we go to get weighed again today. she has gotten above her birthweight now but still not gaining weight like she needs to be. so we have to weigh often right now until she is gaining like they want her to. She is up to 6 lbs 4.5 oz was born at 6 lbs 3 oz.

They also have changed her meds up some too. They stopped the sodium chloride, saying really no reason to have it and not sure why they started it to begin with lol. They also changed the lasix(pulls fluid off her) to once a day instead of twice. the Digoxin and enalipril (preventing heart failure) are still the same.

I also want to thank everyone again for all of your prayers, cards, our SS class for the wonderful meals (Which We have both gained weight becuase of them so we will get mad later haha).
We would also like to thank First Baptist of Alabaster (our new home chruch) for their support, visits, etc. Gilgal Baptist Church (our home church in Tuscaloosa) for the cards and visit. and Mount Zion Baptisit Church (my home church in Huntsville) for the cards, and visits as well. and to all of the rest of our famiy, friends, and even people we don't know, we cannot begin to express the peace that God has given us because of knowing that pretty much THOUSANDS of people have been prayinf for us in more than 15 states and 5 or 6 different countries. God has heard our prayers. He has answered them resoundingly and is still continuing to answer them even right now as I write this note looking down at Chloe as she sleeps. (It's 4 AM right now lol. I just fed her)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, and may GOd bless each of you as he has blessed us over the past 3 and a half weeks. ALthough stressful, this time has been some of the best "Jesus Time" we have ever had and has strengthened our faith in Him as well as strenthening our marriage and faith/trust in each other.

We Love Yall
John 16:33
The Anchor Holds

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