Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my mom has some pictures on her blog too.

you can go here and follow. she might even put up info faster than I do. I'm not good at rememberingto tell everyone whats going on hahaha.

more pics

Thought I had more pics on my laptop but I was wrong so will have to upload some more later :)


Pray For Weight Gain (not very often you ask that hahahaha)

Saw Dr. Kirklin this week (the cardiothoracic surgeon). He said Chloe looks great and that we don't even need to make another appointment with him unless we feel like seeing him :) so YAY with that. We hopefully won't have to see him again until they fix the VSD(hole in her heart). and we pray that God will miraculously heal that :)

We see Dr. McMahon this coming up week. So we will see what he has to say. The will most likely do another echocardiogram to see the flow of blood in her aorta, VSD, and the PA band(band around the artery to her lungs to prevent too much blood flow going to the lungs). Will also probably do an EKG, maybe some blood work...we will see.

we go to get weighed again today. she has gotten above her birthweight now but still not gaining weight like she needs to be. so we have to weigh often right now until she is gaining like they want her to. She is up to 6 lbs 4.5 oz was born at 6 lbs 3 oz.

They also have changed her meds up some too. They stopped the sodium chloride, saying really no reason to have it and not sure why they started it to begin with lol. They also changed the lasix(pulls fluid off her) to once a day instead of twice. the Digoxin and enalipril (preventing heart failure) are still the same.

I also want to thank everyone again for all of your prayers, cards, our SS class for the wonderful meals (Which We have both gained weight becuase of them so we will get mad later haha).
We would also like to thank First Baptist of Alabaster (our new home chruch) for their support, visits, etc. Gilgal Baptist Church (our home church in Tuscaloosa) for the cards and visit. and Mount Zion Baptisit Church (my home church in Huntsville) for the cards, and visits as well. and to all of the rest of our famiy, friends, and even people we don't know, we cannot begin to express the peace that God has given us because of knowing that pretty much THOUSANDS of people have been prayinf for us in more than 15 states and 5 or 6 different countries. God has heard our prayers. He has answered them resoundingly and is still continuing to answer them even right now as I write this note looking down at Chloe as she sleeps. (It's 4 AM right now lol. I just fed her)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, and may GOd bless each of you as he has blessed us over the past 3 and a half weeks. ALthough stressful, this time has been some of the best "Jesus Time" we have ever had and has strengthened our faith in Him as well as strenthening our marriage and faith/trust in each other.

We Love Yall
John 16:33
The Anchor Holds

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

lol I just looked at the dates of all my notes I had written

lol I just noticed I left yall hanging on several key days after big events. soooo.... ooooopppppssss on that. but I know yall still love me and understand cause I was a little preoccupied during that time lol.

Also, if and when I dont put up any new posts just assume that everythign is OK. No News Is Good News. :) and as soon as i rememember to put stuff up i will. or i will send out texts to several people and they can forward it on to everyone else. so if you do get a text message from me FORWARD IT hahahaha. no i havent sent any out yet so dont worry you're not out of the loop and no you're not in trouble :)

Oh, Also for any of yall that have friends/family that have the internet but not facebook I have a blog that we are gonna try and keep up as well with the same notes as we do on here so anyone can read/forward anything I put on there as well I believe

We love yall so very much.
Christopher and Jami

The ANchor Holds
JOhn 16:33

"From here on out we will treat her like a regular newborn" our pediatrician. YAY

Chloe had her first appointment outside the hospital lol. Our pediatrician said all is well. Just need to gain a little bit more weight. need to gain about an ounce a day. and we havent gotten there yet. So we have to wake her up every 3-4 hours at night to feed her. she had been waking up about every 5 or 6 hours to eat so not too bad just need to eat a little more often so we can fatten her up lol. We have our appt with Dr Kirklin(cardiac surgeon) next week, and the cardiologist, Dr. Mcmahon the week after that.
We also will have a developmental check-up at 6 months of age because these surgeries sometimes push them back some developmentaly, not sure why but i'm assuming because they have to make them so cold do do the cardiac surgeries. However, our pediatrician says she is looking good in that aspect as well. :) YAY again lol.

We will update yall as new things come up and after appts etc. And We want to thank everyone again for all the prayers and cards we have recieved. God has really blessed us with so many Godly friends to love on us and support us through these difficult times. Even though I feel like God has been right by our side the whole way so even though it was difficult and trying...It really wasn't. God gave us and still gives us the peace and joy of knowing that He was in control the whole time, He still is now, He always will be.

We love yall!
The Anchor Holds
John 16:33

Friday, February 5, 2010

Praise God our little girl Chloe is now HOME :)

Yes praise God. and keep praying. We just go home and Jami has some pics already posted. We have a lot of appointments coming up with the pediatrician, cardiologist, and cardiac surgeon. will most likely have another surgery before the age of 1. So just pray that God will miraculously heal the hole in her heart. Also pray for her and us during these first few nights as new parents. AHHHHHHHH!!!!! and as nurses lol cause we know to dag gum much lol. but pray that she will continue to do well, to eat, and grow as needed. We are on 4 meds. Lasix (fluid meds), Digoxin (prevents heart failure), Enalapril (prevents heart failure), and Sodium(aka salt lol, this helps pull fluid into the blood vessels...helps the lasix) all of them twice a day.

I would like to thank everyone who has been praying for us. It has been so awesome to see how fast God can move. I have cried 2 good times the past 15 days. once the night before her surgery, the second was the night they reintubated her. Every other time i started crying wasn't from being sad about Chloe, It was always when I heard, saw, or felt the prayers people were praying. How awesome is God that people in 15 states and 6 different countries could all be praying at the same time and probably in different languages as well. It is just so cool knowing that God hears all of our prayers whether we are saying/singing them out loud, in our hearts, or through tears(sad and happy).

"How Great Is Our God?"
Jami and I sang this song throughout our ordeal. God is great in our good times, our bad times, and even during times when we reject Him and turn away. He still loves us and is ALWAYS in control. no matter what.

The worst night we had while we at the hospital was probably the night Chloe had to be reintubated. That pretty much ripped the hearts out of every single one of our chests. It was so hard and so awful. We(Jami and I, JAmi's mom, and my parents) started praying just holding eac other pretty much in a ball on the couch. after praying my mom started talking about Ray Boltz's song "The Anchor Holds." It has been my favorite song since after I hurt my ribs 7 years ago. It has been one of the things that I have held onto in every bad time I have had since then and Jami as well. So I found it on the internet and played it and we sang it. and the words are so so true. in every situation especially the bad ones...The Anchor Holds.

"The Anchor Holds"
i have journeyed
through the long dark night
out on the open sea
by faith alone
sight unknown
and yet his eyes were watching me

the anchor holds
though the ship is battered
the anchor holds
though the sails are torn
i have fallen on my knees
as i faced the raging seas
the anchor holds
in spite of the storm

i've had visions
i've had dreams
i've even held them in my hand
but i never knew
they would slip right through
like they were only grains of sand


i have been young
but i am older now
and there has been beauty these eyes have seen
but it was in the night
through the storms of my life
ohh thats where God proved his love to me

---------By Ray Boltz

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Anchor Holds

~~~I don't promise life will be easy, but in the hard times, turn to Me - you will find Me there ready to hold you while your world shakes. I will protect you. I will carry you if you need carrying.
Dont worry about the possible hard times that may or may not come. When they do come, you and I will face them together(Isaiah 43:2). I will give you everything you need. Though you may stumble you will not fall because I will uphold you with My hand(Psalm37:23-24)~~~ Got this from the devotional journal mom gave me called (-Journey-)

Chloe was extubated this morning before the 0830 visiting time. She is doing very well right now. her respiratory rate is staying between 50-70. which is a lot better than the other day. still want it to be around 30-40s though. but its an improvement. and she's not struggling lik eshe was before. her oxygen levels are great. her blood pressure and heart rate are good as well. they are going to do another echo tonight. so we will see how that looks. she had a new heart medicine started today. Digoxin which helps the heart rate, the strength of the heart, and the cardiac output. they said they would also start a medicine called enalipril. enalipril will help prevent chloe from going into heart failure and help the symptoms as well.

So everything is looking great today. and we will just manage symptoms for as long as possible before they have to go in and fix something else....either tightening the PA band or fixing to hole in her heart.

We love yall and thank yall so much for the prayers.
The Anchor Holds.
John 10:33